Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Hair transplantation  is a non-surgical, minimally invasive procedure performed under local anesthesia. It can take anywhere between 3 to 5 hours depending on the number of grafts to be extracted. In the first few days small crusts can form around each transplanted hair, which is totally normal. Usually, a patient can travel back home on the third day and resume non-arduous activities. After approximately 4 weeks, the transplanted hairs start to fall out and would start to regrow at 3 months. The patient may resume shaving his beard one month after the procedure.

There are very minimal risks associated with the procedure and those are the ones associated with standard hair transplants. For instance, a  1mm hypopigmentation in the the donor site can be visible if the hair is completely shaved.

However, FUE is the safest hair restoration procedure out there. In our center we do not perform Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) because of the risks associated with it.

Using the lateral grafting method, hair grows like a normal hair with the texture and the characteristics of the hair grafts extracted from the scalp. The patient can manage it, by  grooming it, shaving it or allowing it to grow to any length desired. Once transplanted the new hairs are permanent and difficult to tell apart from the original hair.

When undertaking FUE procedure, it is essential to shave the donor area in the back of the scalp wherefrom the hair follicles will be harvested. The surgeon usually shaves a wider area to be able to extracts the maximum number of grafts possible without doing any harm to the donor area. However, no to very minimal shaving is needed for the receiving area of the hair.

It is usually seen in men. The most important factor in the hair loss is genetic. Other factors that trigger the destruction are stress, depression, seborrheic skin disease, and sometimes it is a side effect of some medications.

Not everyone is eligible for hair transplantation. It can usually be applied to men. There is not too much baldness in the women in a centered area, but it is diluted instead. We advise you to contact us for an online consultation to learn more about your specific situation.

As long as there is enough hair in the donor area, there is no age limit.

First of all hair transplant cannot be performed on totally bald people. Enough hair from the donor area is crucial. Also, we do not perform it on heart patients, patients with severe renal insufficiency, advanced blood pressure patients.

The root of hair to be harvested is called follicle. This is proportional to the number of follicles. It can last for a minimum of 2-3 hours, to a maximum of 7-8 hours. The amount depends on the size of the area to be transplanted

No, only a patient’s own hair can be transplanted to him. Because if the hair of another person is transplanted it may be rejected by the body’s immune system therefore resulting in bigger problems.

It can be planted in hairs taken from cartilage, back, collar and legs. But there is a drawback to this: the hair in our head and the hair in the other part of the body are not strongly recommended because of their different durability. But it is possible to plant hair from another part of the body.
Surgically lowering a female hairline
Some women naturally have a high hairline, which can make them look masculine or older. This is not due to hair loss but rather their heredity. Although transplanting hair to recreate a lower hairline is an option, such transplantation may require more than one session to create a hairline that is sufficiently dense.

There are no fundamental differences in hair transplantation between men and women. However it is worth noting that a few variations that exist. For instance, there is the issue of the donor area hair strength. It is important that there is enough healthy strong hair in that area because its quality determines the quality of hair that will grow after the transplantation. If there is no balding in the donor area, then there will be no balding in the transplanted area.

All hair restoration surgeries will microscopically thin the scalp hair. The hairline lowering operation is no exception; however, the thinning is distributed throughout the top and back of the scalp, so it is imperceptible. I will be conducting scientific studies to actually measure this. Our initial impressions have been that the whole scalp is stretched about 10- 20% and therefore, the density goes down between 10% and 20% on the top and back. Therefore, if you have 100 follicular units/cm2 (as many women do), the hair density would become about 85 follicular units/cm2 after a 3cm hairline advancement. This difference would be imperceptible to the naked eye. Other hair restoration procedures such as follicular unit grafting by FUT, strip harvesting or FUE thin the hair similarly, but the recipient area rarely cannot get that degree of density unless multiple procedures are used.

Most patients experience some temporary itching as sensation returns to the frontal scalp. Personally over my 25 years of experience, I have never had a patient report that he/she developed long-term itching following a hairline lowering surgery.

experthairtransplantFrequently Asked Questions (FAQ)