Hair Loss prevention

There is no magic trick to prevent alopecia, especially when it is of hereditary origin. Still, a few basic steps may go long ways to help keep a healthy hair.
Taking care of your hair
– Having a good hair hygiene reduces the risk of ringworm.
– Avoid sharing combs, brushes and other hair accessories.
– Do not abuse chemicals (dyes, fixatives, etc.).
– Avoid excessive hair pulling by styling or holding your hair in place with accessories. Many people who have worn a tight hair style for an extended period of time experience permanent hair loss.

-Turbans: We are seeing more and more men coming to us with hair loss caused by wearing turbans which pull their hair too tightly.

Many micronutrients play an important role in hair health. Notably magnesium, but also calcium, iron, potassium and zinc.
To avoid a possible deficiency of one or other of these trace elements, it is important to eat in a healthy and balanced way.
Preventing stress
Stress causes the secretion of androgens which, in excess, promote baldness. Find the source of your stress and solutions to better deal with the situations that create it, if necessary. The practice of relaxation techniques may also be useful.
Act quickly
While there are some ways to curb hair loss, resources are much more limited in terms of regrowth.
In case of chemotherapy or radiotherapy
Some chemotherapy treatments may cause hair or hair loss, depending on the type of chemotherapy used, the dose, duration of treatments and other personal factors. Radiation therapy can also cause hair loss. Usually, hair and hair grow back in weeks or months after stopping treatments. Still, according to the Canadian Cancer Society, it is possible to mitigate the effect of these treatments. Here are some tips1:
– use a soft shampoo and a soft bristle brush;
– let your hair dry naturally or use a dryer at low temperature;
– avoid coloring or styling your hair;
– wear a coolant helmet at the time of chemotherapy to reduce blood circulation to the hair follicles. This method is contraindicated for certain types of cancer. Also, it is not effective at all times.

experthairtransplantHair Loss Prevention