Female Hair Loss pattern

Although hair loss usually may not be as obvious in women as it is in men, it definitely has a greater emotional impact. Women have more limited choices when it comes to hair loss solutions than men, and they endure the problem of thinning hair in a very personal manner. Whereas balding patterns in men are usually centered in the crown of the scalp, women experience a much more scattered thinning throughout the entire scalp, such as temples, crown and hairline.  This leaves the woman with much fewer options. In the United states alone, there are over 20 million who suffer from hair loss.


One of the prominent causes of hair loss in women is hormonal imbalance.

Either an overactive or an underactive thyroid gland may lead to hair thinning. This type of hair loss is usually improved by treating the thyroid disease. Moreover, imbalanced estrogens levels can also cause hair loss. But once the imbalance is managed with  your gynecologist the hair will also decrease.


Giving birth is yet another possible cause of hair loss in women. It’s especially obvious in the post-partum period ( six to eight weeks after delivery). This is also due to hormonal changes, which is totally normal in this case and there is no reason to worry about it. High hormonal levels during pregnancy cause the delay of hair loss in the normal hair cycle. As soon as the hormones are balanced back to pre-pregnancy levels, that hair which was delayed before will now shed with the normal cycle of hair growth and loss; after which it will return to normal with time.

Hormonal Therapies and Menopause-induced hair loss:

Hair loss can also be a result of hormonal therapies such as progesterone, which is a female hormone that prevents the development of new follicles. In addiction, hair thinning in women may be a menopausal symptom. Studies suggest that before menopause, around 13% of women suffer from hair loss, whereas after menopause the number increases up to 37%.

Keep in mind that in some cases the causes of hair loss are more complicated than the male pattern baldness. Therefore, prior to attempting any hair loss remedy, a professional diagnosis is necessary to determine the cause main root of the problem.

experthairtransplantFemale Hair Loss Pattern